An alternative to the seduction community “hi five” (charisma series 2)


givemesomeloveThis is a technique I use successfully as part of my charismatic/party persona… I always felt the “high five” was over used, weak, and nerdy… So I naturally created my own alternative so:


Instead of saying “hi five” to women and men (no homo)

I say:

“Give me some love”

And instead of proceeding to put my palm up like pick up artist do

I put my fist like this:








so the end result is like this:










If you are doing the seduction community “hi five” you run the risk of the person not high fiving you back, and if it happens you would look ridiculous…

With the fist bump, I have 100% success rate with both women and men (no homo)

If I were to fail it does not matter cause is easier to transition and more discreet if thing go wrong than having your hand hanging….

Also introducing myself to strangers in a “social circle situation” I just go and use the fist bump (I do not use in this case the “give me some love”)

For example when I go to capoeira (Brazilian Martial arts) and gymnastics there will always be new people, that is how i do it…. Unless i am trying to seduce in which i introduce myself and milk the intro.

The other benefit is I do not like to hand shake much, cause guys fap, pick up their nose or go to the bathroom and do not wash etc… So this is a nice alternative

try it…





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