Why I stopped arguing about dance floor game (rant)

argumentsclubAbout 3-5 years ago, I used to lose my mind, my cool and go nuts, when I saw a post or video about dance floor game from fools. Which is why I decided after multiple fights, arguments, discussions etc… To make my own books and videos on shit that really works from 20 plus years experience. Today, I do not even waste my energy arguing or trying to make my points. Here are some of the ridiculous shit I have been BAIT to jump into arguments lately in private players groups and I just chose to no answer and ignore (true story nothing made up and the sad part is that these are players, not rookies) and my reply to all of you are:

If you want to watch some ridiculous Asian dancer in youtube teaching you dance floor game, go ahead and follow his videos, good luck getting laid…  (You can clearly tell Mr. Asian dance floor teacher does not get laid, even in my videos when I was 40 pounds overweight and dressed like shit, you still can tell I get laid).

If you think talking to women in the dance floor works, good luck getting laid.

If you think approaching from behind and grinding works, go right ahead, how old are you 12?.

If you think not dancing and going up to women that are dancing and fingering them is going to work, go ahead and do that, good luck not getting arrested, thrown out of the club, and again getting laid.

If you think doing drugs and drinking will improve your game, then be my guest, is your health and your money…. Again, good luck to you trying getting laid consistently doing that crap.

If you want to listen to some out of shape black dude with a below average looking wife, giving dance floor game advice, then be my guest you deserve what is coming to you.

If you think High end clubs give you the highest chance of getting laid, go ahead and waste your time. Good luck getting laid!

And on and on with ridiculous shit! that doesn’t work… Again 90% OF MY LAYS, are STRICTLY, dance floor game. In other words from meet to lay via dancing. (And I am close to triple digits)

If you see my videos, if you read this blog, if you read the book, and if you met me in person (which many guys have met me and seen my game LIVE). And you still want to believe fairy tails over what I know really works, then go ahead.. I will be still doing me and doing my shit! Of course getting results CONSISTENTLY, what I will not do is engage into ridiculous discussions,  I have been there done that…. And as I get older I have lower tolerance for drama. Out!



1 Comment

  • Phil says:

    Lolol, I’m pretty sure I know who the ‘Asian dancer’ is a reference too, lol.
    Some of the debate topics you listed seem just wrong (creepy).
    You know, sometimes when I’ve gone out and ended up at a bar with a dance floor and not caring at the end. Was just ‘done’ for the night so I try some of the things you advise against and what I know better than to do for pure giggles. Well the result is (always the same/what you said would happen). So people do just want to stay in their own little world.

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