Introduction to “hustle game” (forbidden seduction series)


Forbidden seduction is a series of advance and borderline morally questionable topics, such as seducing a married women, the October man sequence, cheating game (post on the works), swinger club game,pimp game, my how to get a girlfriend and never having dry spells etc… I have hesitated to share with you, forbidden seduction topics, but I am getting tired of getting pms with multiple requests and I am not longer with the main so I can open up more. I am going to finally share with you, some super powers, use at your discretion.

Disclaimer.- In the long term this type of game will “Cripple you” as a man, in other words it will kill your drive, goal and ambition which in turn will eventually kill the girl attraction for you. The reason for this is a man will make enough and achieve enough to be happy, comfortable and survive. If you have a girl taking care of stuff, you will only make the minimum enough, which will make you a mediocre man and not live to your full potential. So bottom line, you are better of not doing this shit.

Some bullshit myths:

1.- This only work on obese, ugly and low self esteem women: this is a total bullshit myth. I have personally done it with some of the most beautiful, professional and high self esteem women I have ever known.

2.- This can not work long term.- I have been able to make it work with multiple women over 3 years.

Okay so skills how does this work?

Once you have a girl that is a closed deal, no necessarily sex, but she is super into you and invested… I do many similar things of what so call “pimps do”, the difference is I only accept $, rent, tax return etc… From what I call “the main girl” since what is hers is mine (also is not a take take take is a 2 way street), from what I call “the girls on the side” i would never accept any type of money only gifts, food, rides, or borrow her car, dinners, laundry and maybe have them run couple of errands..

How you do this is you never ask directly for favors, you get them invested and compliant, not only by sex but by inspiration, and being their life coach (you have to inspire them to do better and help them with life advise, nutrition, fitness, style etc…) Most girls automatically will do stuff for you since women have a motherly/nurturing side… Remember they also need to know that there are other women involve in your life and that you are “seducer/player” with tons of options and she has tons of competition.

Now with what I call “The main girl/queen” is different with this one you have to be low key, humble, but with the above sub communication but tone it down a lot. As she gets more invested you start small, let say we are driving and she needs to go to Publix or the gas station etc… You say “babe can you get me a pack of gum”, this has to be done EARLY IN THE RELATIONSHIP, from there you are at subway, i usually use the “fuck i left my wallet at home”, in my experience after 3-5 of those incidents spread through time AT THE BEGINNING will get her into that frame… You have to flip the script you are the lover and she is the provider. A good book that explain “how is it possible for a women to fall into this frame”, is the book “Influence the psychology of persuasion” it is by a dude called Cialdini, it is not a pua book but a sales book, and a must read ( a tripled my income in a failing sales biz directly by reading this book).

How guys fuck this up a lot, specially black dudes (no racist), it is because they make it a take take take relationship. It has to be a give and take, and a win win situation, not a win loss situation. (I mean that is how I do this,  I know other players don’t give a fuck, but I do).

I do not give women any reward, but the key is not to make them feel like they are being USED. Giving makes people happy specially women so they feel like “awesome girlfriend” vs the competition (other women). Like “he will appreciate all these things I do that no other girl will do” mentality, I believe that this in itself is the “reward” for them. I always see them “happy and exited” to do it, again the key is not making them feel “used” I can not emphasized this enough.

There is also a “coaching” part of the game I talk about it in my post fixer upper game, the way i do it, is i am teaching them to be better and make more money. My ex main have not only triple her income with me, and change her personality from a push over to a girl with tons of social skills, she has also transform her body, personality and dress style.

The movie “Spread” with Ashton Kutcher give a sample of how hustle game works.

Here is a video I made a while back were i cover the different types of player levels. A dude that can do hustle game, specially on a beautiful normal girl is at the top of the skills level of game, only slightly surpass by pimp game. Enjoy:



  • Snipology says:

    Wow look at that… now we’re cookin’ with gas. Let’s see where you take it, how far you’re gonna push this… How much money would it take for you to remove the censorship? You already dont even put your name behind your pickup, which i do, plus I respond to people. Too secretive nigga, way too secretive. I was right. when im right, niggas dont reply

    • Skills says:

      I have no idea what you are talking about… See i will do what I want when i want, thanks for your suggestions, but this is the “skills method” no the “snipology method” so i am going to do, what i want to do. Thanks for the suggestions though!

  • Snipology says:

    Mang im just try’na buy/observe more advanced-master dancefloor shiznit from my boy Skills — which you’ve been hoarding cuz u were in some sort of semi-pseudo-limited time monogamous thing with a “main” who was censoring you and makin’ you hold content from us, you’re REAL BROTHERS haha bro its logical, no judgements here. A woman was censoring my boy Skills. That’s enslaving my boy Skills. See im tryna make u money and freedom and you’re coming back to me with emotions and estrogen. Let’s talk about why dancer boys r winners like we used to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Skills says:

      Actually you are kind of right, but let me ask you question lets say you are a quarterback of the dolphins, but you give your game plan on the internet to the defense coordinator of the jets while you are PLAYING THE GAME… Part of getting good is having the ability too shut the fuck up and not talk to much. Women like discretion, by the way i have been talking about dark and forbidden seduction topics on private forums…

  • NiterIde Mick says:

    Just curious Your driving a married woman around in your car and you stop at the shops to get her to buy you something Mate if I had a dtf married woman in my car ,we be parking somewhere private and shagging Attached people are time poor ie have to pick kids up from school shopping etc or meet in a hotel room not driving some hot married peice to get you some chewing gum come off the grass mate !!!

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