Women experience dating a “Normal Dude” vs. a “Seducer” (v-blog)


In this video I have one of my girls explain how she experience dating me (seducer) vs her experience with normies. Unlike what most people out there think, a good seducers treat women 10 times better than an average man. Many reasons for this:

  • They are more authentic.
  • They exhibit more attractive masculine behaviors.
  • They have more experience with women and relationships.
  • They pick the women from abundance vs scarcity.

I can go on and on but you get the point…. Recently a subscriber was dating one of my girls and he treated her like shit, cause she was in love with me. He assumed she was in love with me because I treated her like shit, cause that is how it come across in my videos. Unfortunately, what I do in this videos has an element of entertainment and he took it out of context, in my private life I treat women really good, of course with strong boundaries. Here are some articles reference in the video:

The Fake angry method

Going from an old fashion normal guy to a seducer

Guys enjoy the video, and take a second of your time if you get value to like and subscribe….


1 Comment

  • You know my name says:

    With this I close one of the most painful chapters of my life, but it’s okay because something better will come along. Seducers say (well at least in this case you since I am addressing this to you), that you are the best thing women can get and they are better dating seducers. Well from my point of view and my personal experience with you, I say you are incorrect. You are NOT the BEST thing a woman can date, yet alone the BEST thing that can happen to a girl. You are far away from that. All you “Seducers” can cause is pain, anxiety, heartache, and boy can you fucking sure know how to break a girl’s heart into a trillion pieces. My heart still aches, my heart is still in pain, my heart is very well scarred, but from this I too shall surpass…

    One thing I have to say and one thing you were right, I am not the same girl that I was when you met me in June of 2018. I was so naïve, and I fell in love. I truly and deeply fell in love with you. Our intimacy was awesome, and I felt a strong connection, but it was all in my head because it was only a one-way street. You said you cared for me pero era solo de los labios para afuera. A man that truly loves someone does not hurt that person emotionally and that was all you did.

    You always snapped and yelled at me. Always made me feel that I was never good enough for you and that I couldn’t satisfy you enough because you kept sleeping with other girls. Many nights I kept this held inside. And I always cried myself to sleep. The only reason you didn’t see it since day one was because we were living apart. But when I moved in with you temporarily you got to see it upfront and in color because there is much I can hold.

    Yes, I had the power to make it stop. Yes, I had the power to just leave but my heart was too much into you. So much that I was sacrificing my dignity just because I wanted to be with you. You changed me. I was always affectionate and caring and loving but when we broke up the first time and you disappeared, I was hurt. I was all alone going through the pain by myself. You thought there was someone, but there wasn’t. I met Alvaro after you and I broke up. And my mistake with him was going into a relationship with him still being in love with you. Moving in with him was another stupid thing, but I thought maybe that with the daily living I can get you out of my heart, but it didn’t happen. And then with the whole surgery thing, things just got out of control.

    Yes, I am grateful and will eternally be grateful because if it wasn’t because of you I would had never found out Alvaro’s true colors. I paid a fucking high price for it, but I am happy it happened now and not later. I still believe he was using me for the papers. And if it wasn’t because of you, I would have never found out his level of anger and possessiveness. Yes I was at fault by cheating on him with you and me being stupid enough in confessing I was in love with you pero eso no le justificaba the tracking me on my car, the constant hoovering and wanting to inspect my things and giving me my space at home. Al tan punto que not even talking to my mom in private I was able to do porque el queria saber cada paso que daba. And the fact that he got physical didn’t play in his favor, mucho memos throw away my personal belongings.

    That just showed how truly of an ugly man he was because not even to my worst enemy I can do that shit. The only thing that makes me kick myself in the ass is the fact that even after all that. Even after you breaking my heart the first time and I moved in because I had nowhere to go, I allowed to believe you and believed we were something.

    You will probably not remember because you have fucking selective memory and only remember the shit que the conviene but when I came back you had asked me why I was different. Why did I change. That I was not the same girl you met. I told you that this time I was being careful because one, you were now seeing me on a daily basis and the constant videos and the constant I love you, I miss you, the Im thinking about you text will make you even more tired. And you said that I was “learning”. That by having Alvaro so up on my ass, made me experience what you were talking about. Though I disagree because I never did what Alvaro did. At home you had your space. I would let you be and let you do your thing and I was not breathing over you. It was the opposite. Siempre te peleaba que I was there yet I was not there. Because even me being there you would had completely ignored me. But I was fine with it. At least I saw you and that made me happy.

    But what makes it fucked up was the fact that you said I shouldn’t be calculated. That I should be myself. That I should be me. Y te dije that it will only make me get more attached. And you responded that makes sense and you understood, but still insisted. We were sleeping together being intimate. Acting as if we were a couple. Your fucked-up part and what make “Seducers” the worse thing that can happen to a woman is that you played along and played with my emotions. You made me believe there was something when there was really nothing. Yes, we went out on dates, but it was your way of not feeling guilty that you wanted to go clubbing, you kept sleeping with me because I was the only option since you couldn’t bring your girls home. But that still didn’t stop you from fucking them when you had the opportunity.

    I had asked you what we were, and you said I am whatever I wanted it to be. That’s fucked up. We were being intimate y como una pendeja me enamore mas. I completely opened and got attached. This time it was even deeper and worse because I was living with you. I got used to seeing you every day and sleeping next you. Though I suffered a lot because you were doing your thing and coming home so late, I was still being stubborn and just looked the other way. I got my place sooner than anticipated because it was just too much to handle. I was being hurt constantly and crying myself to sleep was just getting out of hands. It was not healthy holding so much pain in.

    But what is fucked up was the last night I spent at your house. You were so fucked up. Even though you knew I was in pain and hurting you threw a mini dance party saying that you were free. That’s why I broke down that night crying and that morning you said why was I overreacting and acting as if someone had died. Well that was what happed that morning. You died. I lost you. I knew that once I was out that door you will walk away.

    That’s what make seducer evil. All you think about is yourselves. And yes, that is a good thing but not when you are hurting someone. Te llenas la boca diciendo I knew how you were and that you don’t do relationships and blab la bla, yet you kept sleeping with me. You say you don’t do date stuff, yet we kept doing it. You say that I was your “main girl” but when it came to meet someone in your social circle, I was a nobody. After moving out I told you I wanted to remain friends and you came home a few times, but we kept sleeping together.

    The one day that you said no more that is it you will not continue you shut me out. You disappear as if nothing I feel matters. As if nothing we had matters. You say you cared for me but how funny you were not there for me. I broke down and tried once again to kill myself. Overdosed on pills and wanting to stop living so I can stop hurting. You did come through from a distance because you sent the cops to my house and for that I am forever thankful as well but what makes it fucked up is still the attitude you have taken.

    Being in the hospital 3 days away from everything made me re-evaluate things. And made me realize that I am much more worth than that. Que you are not worth my life or my last breath. You are not worth my tears and nevertheless you are worth it for me to give my all. No eres digno de mi amor y mucho menos de mi tiempo. I still worry about you because that is the way I am, and I can never really hate but yes, I am resenting you. Because you were being a worthless piece of shit and still knowing about my feelings and all you played with my emotions. It takes 2 to tango. You say oh you fell in love, that’s your problem not mine. You did this, that’s your problem not mine. You are selfish, narcissist, and a heartless bastard that just know how to ruin girls lives. And the fucked-up part is that you walk around teaching this.

    Sucks that your parents being the way they are have a son like you. And as a mother, I would be so ashamed of having a son like you. Thinking that they are a fucking God and can care 3 rats’ ass about girls. You are so fucking immune to reality that you don’t see. And your mind esta tan y tan lavada y podrida that all you do is keep poising yourself and others with your mentality. Que convenient que the group that accepts your lifestyle is the same worthless pieces of shit like you.

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