Men and specially players not getting married anymore

marriageWith all the shitty laws, the high rate of divorce, alimony, child support, sexless marriages etc…  Most dudes and specially players who have an abundance of women and/or access to a lot of pussy have no incentive to get married.

Why get married? Other than to please other people, fuck them, of course as you are going to see in the article at the end of this post, most people are opting out of marriage. Of course, the retarded backward rationalization is “Perpetual adolescence” just lol.

Please give me a break, there is 0 incentive for dudes to get married now a days, as I said other than to please society and maybe a tax break and a shitty reduction on your car insurance, I don’t see why I should get married, specially as a man your value tends to go up with the years and women value declines

So here is the article, A MUST READ, so you can see for yourselves:




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