She’s A Home wrecker! Women Slut Shaming Other Women

slut shamingI want to bring to your attention that there is a new stupid ass website that is being promoted all over the news call . The goal of this idiotic website is to embarrassed, humiliate and slut shame women for having sex with married man. I am going to let Tekaji explain what is slut shaming:


Short answer: Slut-shaming, also known as slut-bashing, is the idea of shaming and/or attacking a woman or a girl for being sexual, having one or more sexual partners, acknowledging sexual feelings, and/or acting on sexual feelings. Furthermore, it’s “about the implication that if a woman has sex that traditional society disapproves of, she should feel guilty and inferior” (Alon Levy, Slut Shaming). It is damaging not only to the girls and women targeted, but to women in general an society as a whole. It should be noted that slut-shaming can occur even if the term “slut” itself is not used.

What constitutes “slut-shaming”

Quick jump: What is “Slut-shaming” | The Sexual Double Standard | Male Sluts | Why Women Shame | Effects of Shaming

Put in the most simple terms, slut-shaming happens when a person “publicly or privately [insults] a woman because she expressed her sexuality in a way that does not conform with patriarchal expectations for women” (Kat, Slut-Shaming vs. Rape Jokes). It is enabled by the idea that a woman who carries the stigma of being a slut — ie. an “out-of-control, trampy female” — is “not worth knowing or caring about” (Tanenbaum, p. 240).

If all negative connotations are removed from the word, a “slut” is simply a person, most often a woman, who has had sex with multiple partners. In societies where the only acceptable expression of female sexuality is within a marriage (usually for the purpose of having children), engaging in sex with more than one partner is enough to justify the label of “slut” and the slut-shaming that comes with it. In societies such as the United States where it is not uncommon for people to have several relationships throughout their lives, for the most part it is no longer considered a requirement for a woman to wait until marriage before engaging in sex. However, this shift in sexual mores has simply shifted the goal posts for “proper” female sexuality from marriage to “the attitude of the girl, her emotional feeling for the boy she’s with and her feelings about sex as an expression of love” (Taunenbaum, p. 67).

Policing women via what’s considered “normal” and “acceptable” boundaries for female sexuality is not limited to sex and sexual activity. For instance, women who wear “provocative clothing” (or just photographed while having breasts) are subjected to slut-shaming. As are women who are sexually aggressive and/or unabashedly lay claim to their own sexuality.

As illustrated above, any woman who has had sex can be a victim of slut-shaming. A virgin can be a victim of slut-shaming. Indeed, as long as gendered slurs like “slut” continue to be weapons casually wielded against girls and women by both people from all walks of life, any female who acts in a way that another person doesn’t like is at risk for being slut-shamed.


First, as Blackdragon explain in his post “Why long term monogamy does not work”  marriage in the modern day era is useless. Second, if a dude is cheating on you, it is not her fault, it is his fault, he is the one who decided to violate the vows and nobody put a gun to his head to cheat. Third, revenge is never the answer. Every time you are using revenge is always making the situation worst for YOU,  cause it requires to much energy, is stressful, two wrongs don’t make it right I can go on and on, is just not worth it. Last, It may backfired and your husband may end up just reaching a breaking point and dumping your ass for the other girl.

If you do not want your husband to cheat:

1.- Don’t get married. For this one read the ” Why long term monogamy does not work”

2.- If you do get married don’t bitch and bring drama on a constant basis. Some women are very negative and bitch, complain and are extreme drama queens.

3.- Give your man tons of sex, specially oral sex, on a CONSISTANT BASIS. If he is  not getting it from you, he is getting it from someone else even prostitutes/escorts/strippers (who do you think their clients are).

4.- Do not get comfortable. Go to the fucking gym, workout, be sexy, buy new clothes, eat right, fuck him a lot, do date nights.

5.- Spice up the relationship.  Bring other women home, go to strip clubs, go to swinclubs etc…

6.- Accept there is nothing you can do. If the dude is gonna cheat he is gonna cheat there is nothing you can really do, just look the other way.

I am gonna close with a quote by a seducer name Jetsetjim  and his take on that stupid ass website:


The funny thing is, I can GUARANTEE you that if the husband just had some fucking balls and told his wife “See that chick? I’d love a threesome with you and her.”…the wife would go for it 90% of the time. FIELD TESTED.

Women don’t worry about their husbands having sex with other women, women worry about losing their man to another woman. The only time sex comes into the picture is when the woman starts to think she sucks in bed or is ugly, and her guy will leave her for someone who is a better lay or better looking.


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