Mega collection of cheesy banter, pick up lines and routines that I use constantly to attract women (part 3 with a live unedited text sample)

cheese 3Ok guys is summer, after the last couple of weeks dealing with dark/forbidden seduction ,is time to switch gears, to fun and positivity.  In the next couple of weeks I will present you with my collection of cheesy banter, pick up lines and routines, that I use constantly to attract women on the field. They will not get you laid per se, but if done right it will make you very charismatic, display your fun personality, make you popular etc… As a consequence will create tons of attraction and if you do not fuck it up, may help you with your seductions aka pipi in vagina.  It saddens me to see how many seducers and people in general are so plain/vanilla/boring with 0 personality.

Everything I am posting I HAVE USED WITH SUCCESS, numerous times in the field and specially texting in my interactions with women (Live text included in this one). Most of them are my INVENTION/CREATION, but a lot of them are from other seducers.  When using them you do not want to be a “dancing monkey” or a “24 hour clown”, you need to calibrate and use them right.  Finally, remember that my natural personality is cocky and funny, and my method is one that I call “sexual trolling” with the underlying philosophy explained by the “grandmaster style” (One of my many nicknames is “the grandmaster”, that is what people call me at work, but I am not the original community grandmaster).

The sexy voice routine (my invention)

So when you go for example the gym, tanning place, massage place, restaurant or bar you usually go, this are places that have at the front a hot receptionist, hostess, attendant etc… As you frequent this places they require information from you such as name, last name, address etc…

For example at the tanning place I go to for my red light therapy, they require my name.- (of course all the girls love me there and blush and giggle when I go there, they already know my name and the service I want and go out of the way asking me always personal questions which are indication of interest)

me.- as i walk in

receptionist a and b fighting to key me in the computer

receptionist a.- I will take care of him

me.- In a real deep super super low sexy/seductive voice skills spelled s k i l l s (just for sample purposes i gave my real name and my last name and the spelling)

Receptionist a.- I already know your name

me.- but I want to say my name and the service I want so I can practice my sexy voice…

Anyways, I do this a lot in different places, always say that you are practicing your sexy voice (that is key to the routine) sample of the voice needed in this youtube video.

k the fast food restaurant routine ( to be done in places like subway, chiplote, etc…).- my invention

as you are going through the fast food restaurant lets say chiplote

hot babe.- black beans or pinto beans?

me.- which one do you like?

hot babe.- i really like the black

me.- ok thanks

hot babe.- as she is reaching for the black almost ready to put it on the plate

me.- i will take the pintos.

The get my name straight routine  (my invention)

Anyways if a girl says yoo, or handsome, or babe, or cutie or _____ (fill in the blank)

For example:

hot babe: hi handsome how are you today?

me: my name is not handsome nor my nickname my nickname is 2 incher(or whatever nick name you use), aka skills aka latin diesel aka hb future lover(or future ex husband works well too), get it right is bad manners to forget somebodies name

^ this is to bust balls you can also take it sexual aka future lover etc…

Girlfriend routine (community and a bit of my variation)

hot babe: so do you have a girlfriend?

me: confuse like trying to think how many girls i have, counting on with my fingers getting frustrated (lots of acting, see most of them require good acting)

me: i got 4 or 5, hold on nonoono is more like 4

me: would you like to be number 5

The goal is too see her face and enthusiasm drop if that happens and it will, she really likes you and you are in, (of course if she ask you in the first place is an ioi)

Then you say nah! I am just kidding…


If she accuse you of the player, tell her you are a player

if she keep saying you are a player, keep saying that she is a player and she is projecting…

then  say usually the sinner is the one that trhows the first stone or whoever says “smell bad in here” first, is the one that farted.

the walk texting routine (from cupid the midget pua in Miami that gets a lot of girls of course he is 5 feet i am 6″1 adapt it to your height”)

if the girl is walking and texting

me: hey you should not be walking and texting cause you may run into 6 feet of love, though i am 6″1 but it does no rhyme.

This one is by a seducer named Diagoro

This is to be used when you are walking towards a woman and then you both accidentally move in the same direction and that awkward two-step thing happens, or anytime you have an awkward physical interaction …

Hot Babe: oops!

You: nice dancing with you! Where shall we go for dinner?

The eye contact here is key.

Eye contact (cajun form lovesystems)

hb: making eye contact

me: how you are going to look at me like that and not say hi! (or not say anything)
The talk show reunion (my invention)

to be done after meeting the girl, after hook point

me: if i do not see you again i will call (oprah, or dr. phill, or maury pauvich) to be reunited with you.
The car birthday present (my invention)

This is to be done in social circles, work, gathering etc…
When everybody is celebrating a birthday, you get a car key (either yours or someone else, preferably a newer car key)

go up to the person celebrating the birthday and hand the car key and say “your brand new car is waiting outside” (subcommunication you gave a car as a gift)

I had a bad night this weekend but i tried this via cold approach with a community 9 (or 10 she was that hot)after clubs.-(this one is from max rsd)

super hot babe: sitting talking on the phone

me: hang up (authoritative), tell him or her you call them back, that you are going to meet this cool/awesome guy.

Here is a live text, unedited, notice how I combine cheesiness and romance with sexual trolling:

Me: do you drip drip? 10:08 PM
Me: hello 10:12 PM
reddress(carina): What’s that lol 10:13 PM
Me: drip drip is when you are super wet and water comes down your pipi it makes a noisy drip drip, that is what i suspect happens when you think of me mami, 10:15 PM
reddress(carina): Yeap 10:17 PM
Me: once upon a time there was a gorgeous princes name carina margarita, as she came of age it was time for her to choose a prince, but she was very confused 10:55 PM
Me: the king ask her to decide since they need a prince for the kingdom is a must 10:56 PM
Me: but she did not want to settle, so she decided to marry the guy that best kisses her 10:57 PM
Me: the king did not want to be a sucker so he decided to have a contest 10:57 PM
Me: he invited all the gentlemen, society dudes, knights etc.. 10:58 PM
Me: to come on a day to kiss the princess but if she does not like how you kiss or choses a dude they get kill 10:58 PM
Me: so hundreds of dudes took the risk they were getting kill and killed she did not like any 10:59 PM
Me: till it was the turn of a hideous, disgusting dude, she felt bad for him and told him not to waste his time there is no way she will like him 11:00 PM
Me: but he persisted and they kiss the kiss went on for hours and she thought in her head omg this is the one, i don’t care he is ugly 11:01 PM
Me: when she open her eyes after 2 hours kissing he became a beautiful prince and they live happily ever after 11:01 PM
Me: the end! 11:01 PM
Me: now cum and suck my dick for 2 hours please then open your eyes 11:02 PM
reddress(carina): That was a great story until the end lol 11:04 PM
Me: thank you! 11:05 PM


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