What can we learn from Walder Frey of The Game Of Thrones when it comes to women ultimatums (v-blog)

walderfreyOne of the most despised characters of the game of Throne is the lord Walder Frey, head of House Frey.  But, he is one of the best teachers when it comes to women’s’ ultimatums (Take a look at the video at the end and more on this later).

First, what is an ultimatum: This is my own definition, since I did not like the ones I found. Ultimatums are tantrums, drama, bullshit, threats of break up, negative behavior etc… that women will give you if YOU do not follow their agenda, does not matter if you never agreed to that so call “agenda”.

Now women will give you different types of ultimatums directly or indirectly for many reasons, here I will name the most common ones:

Booty calls/Fuck buddies/friends with benefits.- When are you going to take me out on a real date, when are you going to meet my family, when are you going to be my boyfriend.

-Ups! though I know you do not want kids, and I told you I was on the pill, I want to have YOUR BABY. I teach you step by step how to deal with this in this post.

Girlfriends/main girls/Open long term relationship.- Lets move in together, lets get married, I want an engagement ring etc…

Wife.- Lets have a baby or babies or I want a bigger house or _________________ fill in the blank.

So how did Walder Frey of the Game Of Thrones dealt with the threat of getting the neck of his brand new wife cut if he did not comply with letting the king of the north live?

Catelyn Stark: Let my son Go please!

Walder Frey: and why should i do that?

Catelyn Stark: cause if you don’t i will cut your wife neck and kill her.

Walder Frey (and please tattoo this on your balls): cool! I find another one.

^ Now obviously, he is a dick, and if you have your girl in that situation you are going to do anything possible to take care of your girl (I would take a bullet for any of the girls that have been in my life, seriously I would, including the booty calls).

But, I am using his attitude as an analogy on how you have to deal when women shit tests you and give you ultimatums, You got a be cool! icy! unfazed!

Now here are some shit that i use:

“you do not like it, there is the door right there, bye” (credit Tom Leykis)

“you do no like it, date somebody else, i don’t care”

“everybody is replaceable you are not happy with me, goodbye”

Now in some situations you are kind of stuck due to finances and shit like that, so when you are with a girl always have minimum 6 months “shit fund” saved up, so you can get the fuck out if you are living together! and hopefully it does not happen what happened to me at the end of one of my break ups were I had to take a lot of shit and abuse! cause i had not saved enough money and no place to go so I had to literally bite my tongue(of course I did not and fucked it up lol)

Anyways, Here is the video… Out!





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