Dance floor grinding

dirty dancingFirst, what is grinding from Urban Dictionary:

Also Known As Dirty Dancing. When a girl is rubbing her ass all over a guys dick until it comes to the point where he gets a woody
i was grinding with this girl with the biggest booty

Most dudes in the pick up community are obsessed with 2 things when it comes to dance floor game:

1.- Salsa.

2.- Grinding.

Both, as typical community dance floor advice will not contribute to put pipi in vagina. If your read my book, I advice against any type of courtship dancing such as salsa (by the way, I am a good salsa dancer). The reasoning is that with salsa one dancer is better than the other, you need to talk and typically buy women drinks, women typically go into conservative mode etc… In other words the dance floor seduction process is not as fast as the type of clubs that i recommend which is top 40 clubs.

Anyways, back to grinding, most dudes want to open a girl and put their hard dick against the girls ass. Now as good as that sound in paper is extremely inefficient for seduction for many reasons:

1.- If she is not attracted to you yet and she feels your hard dick she will get creeped out and move on.  I will add, that even if she is attracted to you, depending on the girl it may be a turn off “wowow this dude can not control himself”.

2.- It puts the arousal on you instead of her.- No that there is anything wrong with this, we all know the law of state transfer in other words “she will feel what you feel”. But unfortunately it does not work like that in this case, mainly for the previous reasons I stated in number 1.

3.- It will fuck you up in the long run with the dance floor fundamentals.-  What? let me explain, most dudes that grind develop the horrible bad habit of approaching from behind. Remember approaching from behind is bad for the seduction process, cause she may get scare, she does not know who is behind, if you get rejected you will look really bad for the people observing the incident. The only exception i make for approaching from behind is on “booty music” like Dj. Uncle al. Finally, there are some girls that want to get you hard  while dancing while you are in the back, so they will try really hard to press their ass against your dick and in some cases put the hand back and grab your dick (with this women is ok to do the traditional grinding, but this women are SUPER INTO YOU) see the difference.

So skills what is the alternative to grinding is there a better way? Glad you asked, the answer is yes and is how I have seduced hundreds of women and my signature move. Best way to so call “grind”, is to put your dominant leg in between both of her legs like she is pillow humping you.(Please take a look at my video micro escalation and arousal on my youtube channel to get an idea on how to do this, i will also add a video in this post on how to do it). Make sure the grinding is done at the RIGHT TIME, if you do it at the wrong time she will walk out on you cause she is too aroused, or walk out on you cause she got creeped out, it has to be when you have pass the “hook point”, which is the point in the interaction were she prefers for you to stay than leave.

Take a look at me at minute (.48-1.33) in this video and look how the girl I am dancing with gets all sexually turn on ( i was 38 pounds heavier in the video that i am now, i was bulking, so fuck off  lol).Out!



  • Phil says:

    Finally remembered to do the skills style grind last night after a few dances. Once we had a good rhythm going with that style of grinding I saw her quickly get flushed and walk away. Was with her friends so that was another reason. Whats your take?
    Also what/when is the right time to do this move?

    • Skills says:

      if she walks away is called auto reject, she was getting aroused at the wrong time, you need to calibrate… This has happened to me when i do it when there is not enough comfort and she is aroused (aka bad timing). It depends on the situation and the girl, and there is not a “right answer”. But i usually do it when i have enough compliance from the girl (again it is all calibrated depending on girl and situation). Bottom line arousal fast when there is not enough comfort she will eject… Arousal fast when there is not enough compliance = she will eject fast…

      • Phil says:

        I guess that when done right the girl is all over you right? What would be good compliance examples?

        • Skills says:

          watch the video on my youtube channel on compliance, microescalation and arousal (make sure to watch from a computer other than mac, and read the captions)… there are some samples (in the video i was 50 pounds over, i was bulking)

          • Phil says:

            Ok. How good of a sign is it when a girl grabs your
            butt or the back of your thigh while grinding?

          • Skills says:

            what do you think dude? you are going to ask me next “what do you think if a girl grabs my dick?”

          • Phil says:

            Hahaha, just checking, lol. It’s crazy what some girls will
            do on the dancefloor.

          • Skills says:

            good! i was starting to get worried about you!

  • Phil says:

    Tried this again last night. The girl was more into the dancing which was fine but I notice that this move can give the guy arousal also depending on where he places his supporting leg.

    • Skills says:

      lol! i don’t know i usually do not get aroused anymore, since i have been doing this forever…

      • Phil says:

        haha, yeah it was something that I learned from bachata, or being asked to dance bachata enough times I should say. I clearly don’t go clubbing each weekend, sometimes going out means a dance social others means with friends/family. You stuff does make sense though. What did you say was the usual number of girls you dance with when your out?

  • Phil says:

    Beginner dance classes can indeed help, especially with getting used to touch. They help to give you a few moves to transition to.

  • Phil says:

    By “most dancers” you mean?…

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