How to know if club game or the venue selection is or is not for you

club gameI see a trend of many guys that CLEARLY dislike club game trying to force themselves into something that is obviously not for them. I am not talking of the normal stage of uncomfortablility, when something is new and you are not competent at it, or when you have approach anxiety, what I am talking about is when you really cannot stand clubs or it could be that you are just going to the wrong venues.

So we will divide this post into wrong venues and a clear incongruence with club game:

Wrong venues:
1- A ratio of 5 or more guys per girl CONSTANTLY. Disclaimer.-Remember there are some nights when women do not usually come out such as: very cold nights, very hot nights, raining, Thanksgiving to Valentines (boyfriend season) so please do not take this into the equation.

2.- A venue or venues(if you club hop) with less than at least 5 women that are your type and/or you would fuck.

3.- A venue that is more than 45 minutes away from your house. (20 minutes or less would be ideal)

4.- A venue were you do not enjoy the music.

5.- A venue were you do not enjoy the scene. For example, I really dislike the drug scene or/and high status look at me scene.

6.- You are not getting laid at least once a month assuming you go out twice a week.

Now that we got the wrong venues out of the way how do you know club game is not for you:

1.- Just like when you have in the past look forward for an episode of a tv series for example “Game Of Thrones” or look forward to play a favorite “video game” or look forward to “get to see that special girl”, you should constantly be looking forward for going out clubbing. If you are not experiencing that type of anxiety to go out clubbing, then club game may not be for you.

2.- When the club is closing (last call for alcohol and the lights go on), you are a bit disappointed and you want the night to continue. If you are not experiencing this, sorry, but club game may not be for you.

3.- If the music hurts your ears and is giving you a headache or is extremely uncomfortable for you, then club game may not be for you. Disclaimer.- You could use earplugs.

4.- If the only way for you to enjoy the club or have a decent time at the club is getting laid, drinking or drugs. Then club game may not be for you.

5.- If you feel like club game is WORK in other words something you HAVE to do, then club game is not for you.

6.- If you would not pass on a lay of a girl you are already fucking to go clubbing. Then club game may not be for you… (this one is a bit out there but I find it to be somewhat true)

There are many other games that may be more congruent with you or your type of personality: day game, social circle, online, night game (outside the club) etc…
Again I want to point out that there is a beginning stage were you are uncomfortable going to clubs and or you have approach anxiety. This is more for people that have already gone through that initial stage.



  • Phil says:

    Skills, What’s your take on places that play hiphop and latin music? i.e. bachata and reggaeton.

    • Skills says:

      In usa there are places that have a room for hip hop/reggaeton and a room for latin music if that is the case is good… If is latin only, in my opinion not good, due to courtship factor. When i say no good, means probability of getting laid lower than the typical club i recommend which is top 40 radio music generic, hip hop clubs, or a combination of clubs by club hopping…All of this explained in the book.

      • Phil says:

        Ok, I hear ya. It’s that women in the places that I mention tend to be better at moving their hips than at top 40s places. I should probly mention that lays aren’t my goal, more like grinding and makeouts.

        • Skills says:

          for grinding and make out, American clubs(top 40 and/or hip hop) still better than latin clubs… Again latin clubs with a hip hop/regatton room still as good. Your goal should be pipi in vagina.

  • Jack Gignac says:

    just watch the bill cunningham one. really great. I don’t think i’ve seen any of these so going to watch them all!

    I think you’d really enjoy Tom Ford’s Visionary documentary as well judging from the list. It’s one of my favourite documentaries as well.

    Nice meeting you a few weeks back. Hope to meet again.

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