Merry Christmas to all the people that follow the blog and a bonus christmas opener (The Santa Claus Opener)

desktopMerry Christmas to all of you that follow and support the blog and youtube.  Specially to Donna, Gus, Gong, snipology,DavidK, revlifestyledesign,Ni ca, sedfast crew,  warped, poetic, sexaddict and all the girls that are and have been part of my life  specially this year :-).

In the spirit of Christmas a cool and easy opener, lets name it the Santa opener:

Seducer: Can I please take a picture of you

Hottie: ah? why?

Seducer: Cause I want to tell Santa what i want for Christmas…

hottie: smile

Cont. with the seduction as you normally do. Out!




  • byronicmate says:

    Merry Christmas!

  • Gus says:

    Merry christmas and a happy new year, Skills. I appreciate I’m among the persons you named personally.

    I’m currently beginning to see how important the ‘three type of women’ dogma is. Some girls are interested but kinda asexual. On the another hand, with ‘green girls’ you can get laid the on the first date/encounter. Btw I met (and fucked) a girl who is kind of a ‘game changer’ but I don’t want to halt my learning process so I’ll have to decide what to do with her. Just to let you know.

    Anyway, to a better sex and love life in 2015!

    • Skills says:

      Awesome gus! Just make sure you do things the right way with that girl, remember the first 6 months is pretty much an illusion… So take it slow… Also take a look at the revlifestyle post on relationships…Shit! you gave me a grea idea I am gonna post tuburao youtube relationship stuff is the best shit i have seen… Will post tonight…

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