One small change that I made in my game that you should make as well

cool lookIn a recent discussion with one of the top seducers that goes by Pure Evil, he was asking me why I do not cold approach and game as I go about my day for example running errands or just in the streets doing whatever.   That made me reflect on  the why? and one of the many reasons is that I am not dressed up, my head is not shaved etc…

See niggas I get “pretty” (no homo) on the weekends prior to clubbing and during the week I dress normal and for example don’t shave my head till the weekend….

But listening to ma nigga the revolutionary lifestyle design, he says in one of his videos that he always get dressed and prepares before stepping out cause he never knows if that day is the day he will meet that “girl”…

So now i shave my head every other day, and I dress like if i am going to meet a girl everyday, and if i see a girl and i do my 3 or 5 second rule i don’t have the “i am not pretty”(no homo) excuse….

First day I did it got open right away by a girl and at work girls gave me multiple iois and complemented my new styles…

Yesterday I got invited last minute to a social group birthday party with some of the most popular and hottest girls in my area (West Palm) and it was right after work. So I went and I looked cool as fuck, if i did not made this change recently and i was in my regular work clothes i would have missed this party.  Of course I DOMINATED  the party, it was funny to see how all the hot girls were around me like flies around shit!.

The only time I am not dressing my best is going to the gym, which will be my next clothing goal (modern style gym clothes)….

Tldr.- Look and dress your best every day cause you never know is the day you will met that potential fuck…



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