How to seduce women on Halloween (v-blog)

halloweenvideoHey guys! new video based on this old Halloween post, please like and subscribe.

Halloween is a great night to go out and meet tons of women and possible get laid. In this post I am going to make some general observations and probably give some general tips about Halloween…

Unfortunately the bad first:

1.- A lot of average to ugly women will look super hot in costumes.- Yes super short high skirts, high heels, corsets, make ups, push up bras will make some mediocre to average girls go up at least 2 to 3 points.

2.- On the flip side some HOT girls, will paint their face or get costumes that hide their hotness.

3.- Parking is going to be bitch, the same as time of arrival to the clubs. -You will have tons of problems getting stuck in trafic, finding parking and getting to the club.

4.- Following number 3, If you get in for free you may have to pay.-Owners know this is a money making night, so porpusly they will put staff that is not usually the regular bouncers to make the most money possible.

5.- FIGHTS.- All places will be extremely crowded, more drunks than usual, in some costumes you can not really see, women practically naked  and people bumping into each other, so there more likely be more fights.

6.- Hard to escalate sexually.- Some costumes make it really difficult to dance, and sexually escalate in club game.

The good:

1.- For some reason women find Halloween as an excuse to dress super slutty, take lots of picture, and the state they are in is fun/adventure.- These conditions conductive to get laid.

2.- A lot of women that are not club women out.- So the more women out, the higher the possibility of us hooking up.

3.- Bitch shield is a bit lower in hallowing.- For some reason women are a bit more friendly and is easier to open or get open in Hallowing.

Some tips.-

1.- Use a costume that is funny, a bit creative, unique.   This will allow you to open women easier or get open easier, if the costume subcommunicate a little be of  “sexuality” in good taste even better.

2.- Do not be overly aggressive.- tone it down, though women are sluttier, friendlier and dress almost naked in hallowing do not be so aggressive till passing her hook point (the point of the interaction when she rather you to stay than to leave).

3.- If you have a hot body, try to use the type of costume were you can show a lot of your body.- ex. Gladiator, Chippendale etc…

4.- Try to use costumes that show your face(no mask/no painted).- That way the girl know how you look like, is better for dancing, making out etc…

5.- Try to use uniforms. Women love uniforms, police, firefighter, top gun etc…

6.-Be creative in the convo. related to your costume and take the convo. into sexual subcommunication.

ex.- I was dress up as a doctor for work ( I know lame, I did not care, is work):

hb: omg that so cool a doctor.

me: i am not just any doctor I am a Gynecologist.

ex 2.- I was dress up as a cop and I open:

me: with you look suspicious, you most be carrying conceal weapons on you, let me do a strip search.

7.- for some reason men dressing as women is a bit of a hit, but I have never seen it much translated to seduction, but is really easy to open dress as a woman.

8.- Bunch of guys teaming up with costumes is fun and really cool. Ex.-  a bunch of dudes dress as women, or a bunch of dudes dress as refugees from a boat from Cuba.

Note.- Halloween is a good night to meet women but not to get laid, many factors contribute to this:

  • People that are not regular club goers
  • Women are more in groups
  • Women are more into attention whoring mode
  • clubs/streets are more chaotic than usual

With that being said for women prospects and women you are talking to or women that went radio silent aka missing in action a good time to ping.

A good ping that works for me is: “happy Halloween, for Halloween I will dress as _____________(her name) future lover.




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