Gym, Tan and Laundry (my latest look maxing Epiphanies)

gtlBe right back.- before tldr, you know guys i will make it enjoyable…

Gym, tan and laundry will take your sexual market value to high levels, I have a lot of guides about the subject, but here i will laid out my latest looks maxing epiphanies after 25 plus years trying to looks max.

The key is to make it really efficient, easy and SUSTAINABLE. If it does not meet those 3 criterias plus you are not getting results you will bail… (and this is crucial as well for fixer upper game with women, clients, friends and family)

GTL (gym tan and laundry) was popularized by “the situation” from the popular show The Jersey Shore.- It really means hit the gym, tan and max out your style.

I really believe that you can still looks max as you get older… I am one of those guys that have been able to improve looks tremendously as I have gotten older… I call my retarded theory and backwards rationalization the Benjamin Franklin effect based on the Movie with Bradd Pitt.-


Physical maxing (gym)

My story when it comes to looks maxing… I have always worked out and eaten right through out my life since the age 15… So more than 20 years with very little to show for, so:

brb i was working out for 20 years CONSISTENTLY WITH MINIMAL RESULTS.

brb a bunch of forums posts and even in my book giving mediocre fitness advice (well still better than most at the time)

brb eating right and working out and GETTING FATTER (you can see how disgusting I look in some of my early videos)

As an analogy to pick up nothing is more frustrating that making thousands of approaches, reading seduction books and not getting laid… Is the same as working out like crazy, reading every fitness book there is, asking for advice, eating right for years with nothing to show for (mediocre results)…

Again, I was eating “clean foods” aka brown rice, tuna, chicken, egg whites, potato, salads AND GETTING FATTER AND FATTER, while working out A LOT…(Tyler rsd got fat eating super clean foods and working out, he looks like shit now)

Finally, after years of frustration thanks to the new advancements in technology, fitness youtube channels etc… I think i finally field tested this shit, right.

Some fitness channel influences were Hodge twins, Matty Fusaro, Mario Tomic (who trained Julien Rsd) and Kino body… All of these trainers are naturals, and bodies that a majority of women would like… (less polarizing bodies)

Anyways, so here after years of trial and error what has work and make life easy, enjoyable but most important SUSTAINABLE:

1.- Caloric deficit.- You must Know your current maintenance based on your age and eat at a 500 deficit. If you have a lot to lose you can try 1k… As you start losing you can cut your deficit to 500 hundred. a 1000 deficit will allow you to lose 2 pounds per week… 500 deficit 1 pound per week.Reverse that if you want to gain weight add 500 to your maintenance.. I do not recommend 1k cause is too much fat you are adding to your muscle gains… here is a calculator to get an estimate of your maintenance (maintenance mean that if you eat that amount of calories you will not gain or lose weight, but keep the weight)

2.- Intermittent fasting.- Intermittent fasting is nothing more than eating all your calories in a block of time window… My current main since she is eating only 1200 calories, eats once a day. I do the same but i eat twice a day (2000-2200 calories), we use the 8 hour eating window and 16 fasted window. But basically you can eat your calories in that 8 hour window… This is the best video explaining intermittent fasting i found.(please watch the 3 parts)

The reason why I recommend intermittent fasting is cause it allows you a lot of flexibility in the foods you choose since you eat 1-3 meals in 8 hour window, I eat every type of junk food there is: McDonald, Taco Bell etc… And still lose a lot of weight and is an enjoyable process.(this is important for consistency).


Example, let say tonight i feel like eating Chinese, i jump into my fitness pal and plan my meal before going to the Chinese restaurant, so tonight i will buy peeper steak with white rice about 500 calories, and some type of dessert which will be my pure protein salted caramel about 200 calories, and that shit will fill me up and still have some room for more…

Note.- I have found a tasty protein bar after each meal helps a lot, I use pure protein chocolate salted caramel, it taste amazing (but you can use any flavor of pure protein bar you like or any other brand)… I recommend a dessert for sweet tooth, but it has to be something that does not make you want to eat another and another and another… For me again protein bars do the job while feeling me up (but you can chose whatever for example m&m, again the problem is usually sweets want to eat another and another and another, so make sure is something that satisfy you without getting you greedy).

Now this is how i personally do it, i pretty much eat a clean Breakfast around 1 pm (which is my first meal).- I consume a 1000 calories.(Big ass breakfast very enjoyable)

In my second meal around 8-9 pm I eat another 1000 calories… The key is to make sure that even if you get your 1000 calories from a junk food, IT IS FILLING. Not all 1000 calories are the same you could get 1000 calories of a Starbucks coffee and be hungry as fuck vs a 1000 calories of a break fast full of protein and not be hungry till 8 hours later…

My advice is to play with the foods that FILL YOU UP THE MOST(even if junk) and stop doing the ones that after couple of hours keep you hungry or make you crave more and more….

Now here is a key make sure, no matter what you eat, you get 1 pound of protein per body weight, cause when you lose weight, you lose muscle, but i found if you keep 1 pound of protein per body weight the loss of muscle is minimal (plus protein fills you up a lot)

2.- TRACKING WITH MY FITNESS PAL.- This is the most important part of looks maxing, if you are not tracking EVERYTHING YOU EAT with my fitness pal, do not even waste your time working out. I already explained in this blog how I used to workout minimum 1-2 hours a day and get fatter and fatter with CLEAN FOODS…

The reason is no matter how much chicken and salads i was eating, i was still eating over my maintenance.

* note as part of tracking your macros a FOOD SCALE IS CRUCIAL (you can get a cheap one at wall mart)

^ tracking your macros IS NOT A LOT OF WORK, it takes 2 seconds and after a while it becomes a habit and you will not have to do it much after like couple of months, cause you will kind of know.

3.- A simple workout were you are in and out… I recommend 2 workouts if you are trying to lose weight… The reason i recommend this 2 workouts is cause they are proven by thousands of people:

1.- is p90x.- This will get you in really good shape (looking like a wide receiver, swimmer).- the problem is that is hard to sustain cause is about 1.30 minute workouts, and you need to buy dumbbells (i have power block dumbbells). Disregard the nutrition advice is WEAK (follow the advice I just gave you on nutrition).

2.- The body for life.- workout portion (this one i advice to do it at a gym).- Please disregard the nutrition advice in the book is weak as well. The reason I like body for life workouts is cause you are in and out and you will see results right away… It is only 45 minutes 3 times a week and cardio 20 minutes 3 times a week (cardio is just to put you in additional caloric deficit if you are tracking your macros you do not even need cardio)… But i still do the cardio cause i do martial arts etc…(for other reasons). Super important to get stronger and increase the weight to gain muscle. 

Note a key to workouts to make them enjoyable is:

a.- To go with a partner.- I work out with my new main. (but you don’t have too)

B.- To listen to audiobook or youtube while working out.- I listen to my boy the Revolution lifestyle design youtube, or rsd, but mainly an audiobook about biz, or self help or whatever.

c.- DO IT FIRST THING IN THE MORNING… i don’t care if you got a be ready by 6 wake up at 4.30 pm.- DON’T YOU EVER LEAVE FITNESS FOR THE END OF THE DAY, EVER EVER EVER. Cause your WILLPOWER will be depleted by then…

AGAIN IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TRACK YOUR NUTRITION do not do shit, is a waste of time… I see all these guys lifting for years that LOOK LIKE SHIT, cause they do not track the marcros… They are better off just staying home, is a waste of time.

4.- Constantly watch youtube fitness channels… Everyday i and i make my new main watch at least one youtube video in the fitness channel. This helps with motivation, the ones i recommend again are Matty Fusaro, Mario Tomic, Kinobody, Hodge Twins.

The reason i pick those channels is cause they are natural lifters, look good, good advice and somewhat entertaining…

5.- Look for progress and consistency and not perfection…. Just look for progress and minimal change, do not worry about perfection, just compete with yourself…Do not worry about other dudes, fuck them (most of them on gear anyways)

Again you want to be around that 12% mark or less, women really can not see your 6 pack through the shirt, by the time you are in bed with them naked is too late. But you still want to look somewhat like you lift.(plus your clothes will look 10 times better as well as your body language)

Being fit will GET YOU 10 TIMES MORE WOMEN THAN GAME… I will repeat that BEING FIT WILL GET YOU 10 TIMES MORE WOMEN THAN GAME. In before bachaus comes in this post with his hypnosis crap…

Not only that YOUR STANDARDS WILL GO UP, YOUR QUALITY OF WOMEN WILL GO UP and you can DO FIXER UPPER GAME (please check out my post on fixer upper game, that is one of the most valuable advice i can give, even if you despise all my game approach)

The main advantage of that 12% body fat or less is not the six pack but your face angularity (angular faces are very attractive)… Again I used to have a round mash mellow ballom face, now i have an angular face and again the results in the attention, the quality of girls and treatment i get is night and day.

Look maxing style (laundry):

I am going to keep this short, there are many guys and ma niggar(no racist) David K has all type of shit for free to help you out (he is one of the legit players out there, and he is one of the best looks maxing samples i have ever seen)….

With that being said I have the same philosophy of the revolution lifestyle design which is to Look like the Hollywood actors when they are not filming and just going about their daily life…

I dress with v-necks and nice guess jeans, not baggie not too tight… Again I will leave the style to David k… with that being said the revolution lifestyle design has a guide on how to get a nice sexy good looking ware drove for cheap.

In my personal life H&M v necks are nice and cheap… Guess jeans are a bit pricey but they separate you from the rest and the jeans last me for at least 3-5 years ( I got a blue pair and a black pair)…

Some European players used to peacock with style as well. The problem is Europe and America dress totally different, which is why I would go David K if you are in Europe and The Revolution Lifestyle if in America.

Note.- Look at the coolest guys in the club, or your social circle or wherever and try to see if what they are doing works for you… Once you are fit all the clothes will look good anyways…

Tan (facial creams, grooming and aesthetics)

1.- You need to go tanning, you can do it naturally or you can do tanning beds, i don’t care… It will improve your looks. (this has been the hardest part of selling my current main to go tanning, but now she is doing it).

2.- Another alternative is Beta Caratone.

3.- The best looksmaxers were in  they are the former puahaters.

Now this is what has work for me:

1.- Beard.- I tried all type of beards. I really recommend the Poverty beard as seen in my video. I also recommend you go to an URBAN BARBER and spend the money (I go weekly), to have your beard properly groom (once a month I do my eyebrows too). I do not recommend Tyler RSD type beard, women don’t like that shit!. Dudes like that shit, but again no women. The stubble is what women like, or my recommended poverty beard.

brb goatee and all that crap is out of style.

brb big as beard ugly and not attractive to women (the exception is if you have a recessed chin or ugly as lower third).- aka if you have ugly ass jaw/chin…(you can hide with an big ass beard like most ugly ass people)

2.- YOU NEED TO DYE YOUR FUCKING BEARD so you look human… I recommend you to use BIGEN (amazon OVERPRICED, $3 Dollars at wallmart), why Bigen:

a.- Easy to use

b.- Cheap as fuck

c.- Will last you a lot

d.- You can get it at Wallmart.

e.- no to minimal side effects

Note.- Make sure you use a lighter color and if is too light you go to darker color, so for example if i want to dye my beard black start with dark brown to see how it looks. ( I made the mistake to go super dark, oriental black and in one of my videos you can tell I look retarded, i believe is the basic 2 step video vs how hot i look in the beard video, I am the last dude in that video)

You do not want to look like fucking Roosh (no wonder why he can not get laid, his beard has tons of white):


3.- You need to shave.- Ears, balls, pubic, chest, back, nose. Self explanatory.

4.- Creams.-

a.- You need to get RETIN A.- Will help you with acne and is the shit to look young (you need prescription)… However, it would be bad to get it from this type of site cheap and no prescription.

b.- Vitamin C serum.- Again this is the shit and will reverse your again. Here is dr. Oz and a bunch of Plastic surgeons recommending it…

c.- Topical Niacinamide cream.- I did this for years, works well for acne and to look young, but Retin a is more powerful, I still use it in my rotation. Again, usually you need prescription, but that website, is with no prescription.

I used them and rotate them, so one day i do retin a, on day i do vitamin c, one day i do topical nicinamide… With Retin A if you do not use a sun screen you will look like shit, be careful.

5.- Eye area

My nigga eye area has cause me problems, so this is how i have look max my eyes:

a.- Of course losing weight help your eye area a lot with the raccoon eyes.

B.- Gainer anti puff eye roller

c.- Vitamin k.- I use pills and cream, this will destroy dark circles.

d.- Drinking lots of water.

f.- If it goes with your complexion the eye roller make up (i use this NO HOMO)

e.- Fillers if you have the money…


a. I usually have one of my girls do my nails

b. If i do not have a gir l(unusual), I go to the saloon again NO HOMO and get manicure and pedicure (used to do eyebrows to, but urban barbers now do eye brows)

Teeth (almost forgot)

1.- I had tons of success with teeth whitening strips   (shout out to my new main who introduced me to it)

2.- You can pay a doctor for teeth whitening ( i never done this, but scot gll did)

3.- I floss with this every night (make it easy and efficient)

Here is the Rock at 44 years old voted the sexiest man in the world:

Recommended reading:…ution-david-k/…en-point-view/…ike-hot-woman/




  • Snipes says:

    Word Up! GTL is the core! Jersey Shore lifestyle all day long ! G to the T to the L, then to the danceclub to showoff and have your way with some hot female stranger! 1 Love Skills, shoutout from your young nigga Vin Snipes, up here in the Great White North 😉 😉 SALUTE

  • Niteride Mick says:

    Hi you know you can get fit and learn a skill at the same time Learn to box Boxers have amazing bodies Look at Matt Damon last Bourne movie ,was from boxing Eating junk food is fill of sugar and salt eat whole foods ie fruits vegetables P90x ok but too much jumping Tapout XT good fun home fitness workout DDP Yoga you should look at too Diamond Dallas Page check out the Arthur video cheers

    • Skills says:

      is not ideal, but you as long as you can get 1 pound of protein and are on a caloric deficit, you should achieve it…

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