The pointing technique is a very easy way to open in the dance floor

pointingLet me introduce you to an easy way I open that has worked very well for me, I am going to call it “the pointing technique”.

First, it works ideally better in a club that is not super packed, in other words you need a bit of space to do this.

I believe the guru Steve Jabba used to do something similar, but not quite.  But what we are doing here is kind of the same concept which is to force an approach invitation.

What you do is once you see the girl you are interested in ( target) , you will dance and as you are dancing you will approach her but not all the way you will leave about a car size distance between you and the girl. Then you will keep dancing at that distance but you will point at her with your arm fully extended and moving your hand  with your head up and down, the sub communication should be encouraging her to keep dancing. As you do this you will get her reaction, is it positive, is it neutral, is it a fuck off go away.

I usually just go in if is a positive reaction which is the one I get more than 90% of the time, but I do not go in fully, I keep encouraging her to dance with my hand signal as I start going in.

Once I go in I keep dancing normal sub communicating fun dude, no sexual arousal yet, once I gain her trust and compliance in other words she thinks to herself “ok this is not a creeper he is harmless, just fun, I am enjoying his company” aka hook point, I start getting more compliance as I am escalating.

Try it… Out!



  • Josh Sway says:

    This is by far my favorite club opener .. I’ve written about it and use it all the time.

  • Phil says:

    Gonna try to remember to try this, lol. What id your advice when the placed is packed/no room to move?

    • Skills says:

      I wrote a post for you on approaching from behind, in a pack place that works a bit, with younger girls and hip hop type music. Second is 60 yoc type game, eye contact, slow with control seductive movements that do not require much space, patience with the people bumping into you and her, staying in an strategic place were there is the most women traffic (you got a stop them by dancing as they are walking in front of them smoothly without scaring her)…

  • Phil says:

    Yea, I saw. Thanks, I’m flattered. I wasn’t sure if there was a better way. I notice you got a 50/50 shot when going to dance with two or more girls grinding each other.

    Could you further explain “staying in an strategic place were there is the most women traffic (you got a stop them by dancing as they are walking in front of them smoothly without scaring her)…”

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