Top Tips For a Great One Night Stand (tales from the club)

onenightstand1In this post it talk about how I did not like doing one night stand anymore for these reasons:


In my experience on average out of every 5 girls I laid on a “one night stand”, only one out of 5 of those sexual encounters was enjoyable. Some of the reason may have been:

1.-  After doing dance floor game you are kind of exhausted and sometimes there is alcohol involved (wisky dick for the guy/bad performance for the girl)
2.- In my experience the pussy is sometimes sweaty and alcohol (specially beer) makes the pussy stink.
3.- Sometimes you do not get to fuck her in an ideal place but on the car(super uncomfortable), beach (again uncomfortable), club bathroom (sometimes disgusting) etc…
4.- There is no connection, which as i said when you reach certain number of lays, it starts to become important.
5.- Sometimes in the cases the girl is hot and the sex was good, it is harder to keep the women around in the rotation since she may think of herself as a slut (it is call ONE night stand for a reason).



But there is a way that I discovered to make one night stands enjoyable:

1.- Spending a lot of time with the girl at least 2-4 hours, AS LONG AS SHE IS ENJOYABLE TO BE WITH. By the way, is your job to make the interaction fun, if you are bored is YOUR FAULT, you should be leading and dictating the interaction.

2.- Changing venues.- Mystery had it right, changing venues would give the women and you the impression and feel of you knowing each other for years.

3.-Connecting/vibing.- The pair bonding feeling of excitement and chemistry that you feel with very few women, similar or even stronger than love feelings. (it is not love, but it feels like it, careful with this feeling is a lie, you do not know the person, is all chemicals in the brain).

4.- Having sex with her in a comfortable location. That means not club bathroom, no parks, no back of the car etc… Preferably your crib, her crib, hotel or motel.

5.- Hygiene.- This is a most, you take a shower and she takes a shower.

6.- Above average beauty. She most be hot aka above average whatever your average is.

^ If you follow the above one night stands are awesome.

Anyways, here is the story:

Friday night:

I was a little bit down, I have been neglecting my rotation… To have a good rotation, you have to spend time with them, at least once a week. I am so busy, that I do not have time. So they have been drooping off and i am losing my mojo with them (I am kind of bored of them).

I also came to the realization that my old system was designed for my ex live in Main, were I went 100% player 0% provider 0% future boyfriend possibility, no one night stands ( I think in part i was subconsciously protecting my relationship). Anyways, so i decided to change my game style a bit since now I do not have a live in main, the new changes are: 50% player 25% provider 25% boyfriend possibility and one night stands with the conditions already explained.

With this new system I went out Friday night and hit the clubs, they were pretty much dead (Fridays slow and we are out of season)… Dick fest everywhere.

I was in the middle of the dancefloor leaning against the mini stage (where female dancers jump in) facing dj, I see a little spinner with huge boobs and little shorts about 21 about a community 8.

me: eye contact (relax)

spinner: passes by

I grab her and force her towards me displaying dominance without breaking eye contact, she goes with her head signaling no…

I grab her harder now (again dominance and persistence), put my leg between her tights(the skills method grind) and BAM! make out.

She said she had to go find her friend and ejects (her friend was her date or bf, just lol, these women)

Too much dick and no women in Pawn Shop (name of the club) so i eject to other clubs.

All clubs same shit, dick fests and no women…

I see my boy “cash” he is pissed about the “tale from the club story” and he is giving me drama, I eject.

I see some girl with a nice dress about a 7, but something about her turns me on… Go in dance floor seduction, she is hooked, but too many obstacles (all her friends had no guys), get her number and eject.

Horrible night I see a fatty lol, 3 dudes fighting for her, just lol, I go in for fun, to show them how is done…

Get the fatty, make out, feel disgusted, nah! not going to lower my standards, i ain’t going home with her, too embarrassing.

Saturday night:

Now we are talking, hotties everywhere, go to my first club, i am dancing having fun, the hottest girl in the club and her friend open me (in the beginning of the night means nothing, they are looking to warm up themselves and be around the fun aka me). Again, I know it does not mean shit, and though she is the hottest girl in the club, she is not really my type. However, I  use her for social proof.(Gun taught me this trick)

It worked, all the hot girls in the club around me, like flies around shit!. 2 hot girls about 8 and 9 female friends fighting over me, which is not good, fuck! no this again(every time this happens i go home empty handed). Though they are hot i can not decide which one to go for, analysis paralysis, fuck my life. Get the number of the more aggressive one, eject.

Go to another club in my rotation of clubs, I am dancing, a cutie gives me proximity dancing, separating herself form other 2 girls and bringing subtly her back towards me little by little, ok I know what she is doing.

I do a mini u turn and I  start dancing with her from the front, she was about 19, another 8. I am so sweaty with the fucking humidity in South Florida, that does not allow me to make my bubble stuff. We kind of mutually eject.

Then I  proceed to dance with 2 latinas, but I self eject, cause I was too sweaty, fuck (they were into me).

Go to the middle of the dance floor in a club named hookah, were the air conditioning comes out, and I keep dancing while cooling off…

On the corner of my eye, there was this girl leaning against the wall kind of shy… My thoughts is she is probably fighting with a boyfriend or something…

I dance a bit towards her to give her proximity, she calls me with hand gesture to have a convo.

I ignore while fucking around doing the dance “the dab”(or whatever the name is, the dance you pretend like you are kind of sneezing).

I try to dance with her, but she is shy and can not dance, so i just dance a bit for her…

She apologizes and says that she can not dance, and that i am so awesome! and that she has been looking at me the whole night…

I kept dancing, and she asks me if i am a stripper (if you follow the skills method, women should always ask you if you are a stripper)

We flirt, minimal verbals, tons of teasing, makeouts….

She tells me how amazing I am, how hot I am… I pretend she is talking to somebody behind me…

She keeps insisting I am the hottest guy in the club, I am amazing, I am awesome.

I continue to tell her that she needs glasses…

Time to cut the crap and close the deal:

me: who are you here with?

Target: by myself

In the skills method lone wolfs (which is extremely unusual for a hot girl to be alone) down to fuck, plus she is semi out of town (travels for work), again in the skills method out of town is dtf or semi out of town, you can read about this here.

I grab her hand and take her to the bar and I order 2 waters (no no bottle glasses, total cost $2 dollars, cheap game theory, i said only 25% provider, just lol)

I take her outside for isolation and so we can talk….

She goes “i can not stop looking at you, you are so hot”

I mean this girl thought I was “Brad Pitt” i guess I am really her 10 (fuck off is her opinion faggots)…

She kept on and on, on how hot I was.

I troll her “really, please don’t stop cont”

My ego was in the stratosphere..

She has a little dress on and she tells me, how she changed from her high heels to sandals cause she saw girls at the club with sandals (West palm Beach girls are retarded with the use of sandals, surfer wanna be culture)

I tell her that i have to see her in high heels (evil me it was an excuse to leave and close the deal)

We go to her car, she puts the high heels and she looks awesome, she is exactly my type aka pawg (phat ass white girl).

I have her drive me to my car, bluff and I tell her to follow me (assuming the close)

Give her my address just in case and get her number (at this point i still don’t know her name, just lol)

I request we stop at Walmart for drinks ( I did not have drinks at my house, which is a mistake you should always be prepare). Here i experiment with a 1/4 of cialis/viagra.(this did not do shit)

Me and this girl had an incredible connection, vibe and chemistry… It seems like we were dating for years and in love, but i know better this is a trap (you do not really know her this is just a new relationship high aka honey moon period)

We come to the apt. And she wants to take a shower together…

She gets naked, and wowoowowow! Amazing body! I have seen a lot of nice asses, but her ass was unbelievable, she has a natural Kim Kardashian ass…

I kept teasing her it was fake, cause there is no way an ass can be so perfect…

I proceed to introduce her to the 2 incher aka skills Junior…

She is scare of my monstrosity, specially since she has not had sex since November.

She confess to me that she loves “balls” and she start licking and sucking (i am not into that, but whatever)

She proceeds to give me head (this girl is amazing and a natural)

I proceed to introduce the 2 incher, she says “go slow, go slow, go slow”
Sex with this girl was amazing… Since this girl is main material i let her sleep over and take her out for breakfast at Ihop (25% provider i spend $2 dollar in water and $10 in her breakfast, just lol at my cheap ass)…

I proceed to embarrassed her when the waiter ask “how long you been together”

“oh i just met her last night, I am a pimp”

Which also helps with my social proof cause i go once a week to ihop, and i flirt with the waiters…( giving her 50% player and frame)

I predict this may be my future main…Main material written all over, hot, excellent sexual skills,obsessed with me, minimal fixer upper needed, and she is constantly out of town.(perfect)

Here is what she text me after leaving my apt.- (in the text i go 25% bf possibility)

kristy (pawg): I still wanna be in ur arms 4:13 PM
Me: Awwww! Me 3 4:18 PM
kristy (pawg): I’m thinking about u 8:22 PM
Me: And where were your fingers when you did? Lol! 9:07 PM
Me: Juice just woke up 9:07 PM
Me: * i 9:08 PM
kristy (pawg): Lol ur funny. My fingers should be all over ur sexy body but instead they are about to go thru 5 weeks of mail gggggrrrrrrr. 9:35 PM
kristy (pawg): Can u send some pics please I’ll send u some later on after I go 9:36 PM
kristy (pawg): thru all my mail and get out my laptop and flash drive. 9:36 PM
Me: Give me your email address 9:53 PM
Me: So I can send them 9:53 PM
kristy (pawg): 9:53 PM
Me: Kkkk give me a few I am out shopping 9:54 PM
Me: ❤ 9:54 PM
kristy (pawg): Okie dokie 9:54 PM
Me: sent you pics mami, they come from propertyriskanalysis 10:22 AM
kristy (pawg): OMG u are super sexy!!! I love the pic of u wearing ur suit, so hot 12:58 PM
kristy (pawg): I hope ur feeing better. I would love to see u before I leave, 12:58 PM
kristy (pawg): which means tonight. Even if it’s for a little bit. Some time is b 12:58 PM
kristy (pawg): etter than no time. I’m gonna go eat late lunch with my mom then I 12:58 PM
kristy (pawg): got some errands to do. Trying to get shit done cuz I leave tomorro 12:58 PM





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