Why unlike popular belief, drunk women are bad for club game

drunkgirlUnlike the popular belief that a good seducer gets women in clubs because they are on drugs  or drunk, I am sorry to bring you the sad news, that is just not true.

This is not to be confused with a girl that is “relax” by having couple of drinks in her system.

A good seducer is very mechanical and every action he puts forward are actions that are based on vibing, experience, good fundamentals and the likelihood to produce the highest probability of good results, in our case “attraction” or in the skills method “sexual arousal“.

When a girl is all drunk is pretty counter productive to a seducers goal, my friend sex addict used to say “seduce her mind and the rest will follow”, when a girl is drunk is extremely hard to seduce her mind.

So last weekend, I am at the club dancing, of course half of the club comes around me like flies around shit… I start noticing what girls are giving me the “I want that dude approach invites“. Out of the 3 my type, I pick the most down to fuck (dtf) based on experience and intuition.

What i failed to notice is that she was not “pretending to be drunk” which is something i usually encounter with women that want me, but do not want to come across slutty. This one actually was not faking it and she was really drunk. With my luck, by the time i realized this, too late.

So she starts grabbing my dick, and then stops, telling me that I am bad, she repeated the process about 4 times.

I would say “nah! i am an angel and do with my hands the catholic prayer crossing”.

So far so good, till…. She starts falling all over the place and I went into workout lifting mode, carrying the girl around, of course, killing my social proof (since now instead of looking like a pimp, I look like a predator taken advantage of a drunk girl).

Of course i did damage control by sitting her down and thank goodness one of her friends saw her. As soon, as the friend was in, i said “I took care of her the best I could, she is too drunk, I need to find my friends”, and ejected.

Again the reason I even picked her up in the first place is cause I thought she was drunk faking.

Anyways, here is why drunk women or women on drugs are not good for seduction:

1.- You have to baby sit

2.- Sometimes disgusting, specially when they throw up.

3.- You look like you are a predator taking advantage of a drunk girl

4.- Following number 3 is not attractive.

5.- If you fuck her and she was on a drunken state, you could be accused of rape.

6.- Sex is not good IMHO, now, i am a drunk girl virgin, but i had couple of girls drunk in my bed that i chose not to fuck.

7.- If she is cool and you fuck her, she may be embarrassed and not jump into your rotation, cause she may feel like a dirty slut.

8.- As a season seducer is hard to be memorable and show your attractive personality.

9.- Drama.

10.- She could cause you to get into a fights with other dudes or get kicked out by the bouncer due to her embarrassment.

Disclaimer.- Again, my story is unlikely to happen, most girls i have been with are “faking being drunk” as plausible deniability to fuck and not been seen as sluts. However, every once in a decade you may run into one like the example that was actually drunk. OUT!


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